
Data Service — is a layer that has two functions: database updates and domain functions. Database updates encapsulate the logic of updating and reading data in a database (also known as Repository Pattern in DDD). Domain functions use database updates to perform domain changes (e.x. changeUserEmail, updateCredentials, etc). For simplicity, we break the single responsibility pattern here. Data Service is usually named as entity.service (e.x. user.service).


import _ from 'lodash';
import db from 'db';
import constants from 'app.constants';
import schema from './user.schema';
import { User } from './user.types';

const service = db.createService<User>('users', { schema });

async function createInvitationToUser(email: string, companyId: string): Promise<User> {
  // the logic

export default Object.assign(service, { 