The Ship is a Full-Stack Node.js boilerplate that will help you build and launch products faster. You can focus on getting things done, not building infrastructure.

Ship uses simple tools and approaches and has built-in support for everything from the frontend to CI/CD automation. The Ship was first created in 2015 and since then we keep testing it on real products at Paralect.

Key principles

😊 Simplicity

We use the most simple solutions in every part of the Ship. They are easier to understand, test, and maintain.

📈 Product comes first

Our jobs from engineer to CEO only exist because there are customers who use the products we create. We encourage developers to focus on a product more than on technology. Get things done as quickly as possible with the Ship.

🚀 Production ready

You can use Ship to create production-ready products. We prefer to use well-tested technologies.

🥷 For developers

Ship is written for developers and easy to use and understand. We write documentation to explain how things work.

Getting started

The best way to get started with Ship is to use Ship CLI to bootstrap your project.

npx create-ship-app@latest init

This command will create everything you need to develop, launch locally and deploy your product.

Next steps

Launch your project

We use Turborepo for managing monorepo. To run infra and all services — just run: npm start 🚀

Learn key concepts

Learn about Ship architecture and key components(Web, API, Deployment, Migrator, Scheduler.